If you want to give your signage more impact, then changing up your lighting is one of the best ways to do that simply and on a budget. You can use LED signs for dramatic effect, install light boxes or use mounted light fixtures to make your signs easier to read in the dark. Your interior can be completely transformed as well with the right lighting techniques.

Lighting on Signage Makes a Difference

With just a small lighting fix, you can make sure your signs can be seen 24 hours a day. By adding light boxes or turning your signs into LED displays, you can ensure readability at all times.
You can also use a wide array of lighting options inside to create better lighting. Your signage can work for you day and night.
Before you settle on a lighting option for your business, though, you need to take a few things into consideration. You don’t want to make the wrong choice, so we have compiled a list of things you should think about before you choose a lighting option for your business and signage.

  1. Each Location Needs Personalised Lighting
    How you light your signage should depend on where the signs are located. If the sign is placed in a room that is poorly lit, then you will need to use a different lighting method than you would use for an outdoor sign. The lighting should also fit into the neighbourhood you are in and work well with your business’ interior. If you don’t do that, then your lighting will be out of place. One example of out of place lighting would be placing large neon signage in a quiet and subdued neighbourhood that is mostly residential housing or corporate offices. If you have a sports bar, you would not use posh box lighting, in most cases. The lighting helps to set the mood and showcase your brand, and you want to choose the right lighting for that.

  3. Know Your Electricity Choices
    You have various options for sign illumination. Most people go with lighted signs or an LED graphic in full colour. There can be some hazardous wiring work to be done on signage like this, though. You’ll want to leave that work for electrical professionals.

Let’s look at a few lighting signage options:

  • Backlighting- This kind of display makes your sign readable just about anywhere. You can make your message a creative one and ensure that people see it, and it’s ideal for shopping centre directories or hospitals.
  • LEDs- With an LED sign, your messaging can be seen at night. Modern LED lighting is able to be dimmed and is very good at saving energy. It can even be used in colder climates.
    Neon- Your signage enjoys a classic feel with neon lighting. Neon can give your shop a more inviting look, and it’s a very cost-effective way to showcase your business.
    Light Boxes

Your business can make some fantastic displays with light boxes. These are not the same as backlit displays, as light boxes only have light around the edge or border of the sign. That’s different from backlit signs, which have light running all through the back of them. These signs are a great way to showcase important information and highlight it for all to see. They allow businesses of all kinds to take words and graphics and combine them for interesting designs.

  1. Use Interior Lighting to Create Atmosphere
    Your brand may be hidden in the dark until you install the right kind of lighting fixture in your business’ interior. Warm lighting can make a small café much more inviting and cosy. LED spotlights can be set inside your store to showcase what you are selling to people who are walking by the shop.
Use Quality Materials

Talk to our lighting experts, once you have settled on a lighting solution that you think will work well for you. For outdoor signs, you want to use a lighting setup that can handle the rougher environment. If you are putting the lighting inside, then aesthetics may be more important than hardiness.
You should only choose reputable brands for your business signage. You want something that will last and that won’t short out on you or go bad before you get a decent return on your investment. That’s why you should shop with us, as we only use the finest materials and never take shortcuts in delivering quality products to our customers.
You definitely want to talk to a professional about your lighting instead of tyring to do the work yourself. This can avoid accidents and make your business a safer place to be. With the right lighting, you can make a huge impact on your business and ensure that your brand is highly visible.